East Nöbbelöv

The place name Nybbile is recorded as early as 1322. Nybbile means nyböle i.e. new building. The village of Östra Nöbbelöv is located along the road between Simris and Gislöv, four kilometers southwest of Simrishamn. The surroundings are hilly farmland.

The street houses and courtyards are irregularly placed along the gently winding village street. Several of the farms are completely preserved with stone courtyards. Most of the village buildings date back to the 19th century. There are a few very well-preserved old gardens with clipped hedges, common from the mid-19th century onwards. The presence of large deciduous trees in the village is significant. The oldest parts of the stone church date from the 12th century, but only the nave walls remain. As late as 1896, the church was extended to the west and given its current tower.

Nöbbelöv is linked to a couple of really well-known names, of which Alfred Nobel is the most famous. The ancestor of the Nobel family, Peter Nobelius, was born in Östra Nöbbelöv at the end of the 17th century. The second is the missionary Edvin Lundström, born on March 3, 1880. He emigrated in 1900 to Fresno, California. Lundström became known as one of the 34 surviving Swedes at the sinking of the Titanic. The nearest town with services is Simrishamn. A local bus is available in Östra Nöbbelöv.

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