Destination Österlen AB was established in 2003

We who build ö

Ö is part of Destination Österlen AB.
The company works to develop Österlen into Sweden's most attractive tourist destination. The aim is to attract more visitors to Österlen. Not just during the summer months, but all year round.
We who work here belong to the exclusive group who have the privilege of enjoying this paradise. All year round! We live and work here in Österlen. Winter and summer. Autumn and spring. And even though most of us have lived and worked in other parts of this oblong country, Österlen's attraction has ultimately proved too strong to resist.

We want to share this beautiful part of the world with you. We want to inspire. Make you realise something of the special beauty that is so tangible down here in this secluded corner of south-eastern Skåne. Not to mention its rich variety of activities and experiences.

Greetings from us at Destination Österlen!

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Destination Österlen AB
[email protected]