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The villages of Österlen


At the top of Tomelilla municipality's border with Kristianstad municipality, in northern Albo county, lies the picturesque little village of Agusa along the road between Alunbruket in Andrarum and Hörröd. The village is located high...
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Take the turn-off towards Södra Mellby in Raskarum and enjoy a richer experience. The narrow road leads through a unique piece of Österlen, heavily hilly, so steep in places that...
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In the gently rolling Skåne landscape of Albo county, at the southernmost tip of Linderödsåsen, we find the village of Andrarum. It is Skåne, yes, but not the Skåne of the plains. Up here on the ridge is ...
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Basque oil

People have lived in the fishing village of Baskemölla since the Stone Age. The name Baske means dry twigs or branches, while mölla is of course the Scanian word for mill where people grind their grain into flour. The ...
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Top bloke

High up, almost midway between Södra Mellby and Vitaby, lies the small village of Bästekille, along the winding country road. To the west, Bästekille hills rise with pastures, stone fences and juniper trees. Around Bästekille there are several...
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Four kilometres southwest of Tomelilla, where the southern entrance connects to road 19 between Kristianstad and Ystad, lies Benestad, the small church village next door to the unique nature reserve Benestad Backar. The reserve is called...
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Bertilstorp, the small village in Albo county, just over seven kilometres west of Brösarp, can rightly be called quiet and peaceful. The settlement, which consists of small farms and smaller houses, is...
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Remote location but still so close. Just west of Simrishamn, down by the winding course of the Tommarpsån river, lies little Bjärsjö. A village that once had both a brewery and a large grain company.
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Windmill village

Blästorp is a very small village located between Hammenhög and Borrby in the middle of the rich plain. The village consists mainly of farms, which once lay by the railway between Gärsnäs and...
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Seven kilometres south-east of Tomelilla, in the middle of the fertile, but by no means pancake-flat plain, lies Bollerup, a village where old meets new in a very tangible way. About the same age as ...
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Two kilometres due south of Ö. Tommarp is the village of Bolshög, a stone's throw from the best-preserved medieval castle in the Nordic region, Glimmingehus. The church in the village dates from the 12th century and is easily recognisable...
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Travelling on Route 19 just north of Fågeltofta, we see in the hillside to the west of the road the intriguing four-row half-timbered farmhouse Bondrumsgården, which once made the headlines all over...
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The heart of Österlen. The village is surrounded by wooded ridges and rolling fields, with four kilometres to the popular long, white sandy beaches between Borrbystrand and Sandhammaren. The countryside around the village is characterised by agriculture...
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The burns

The small, but elongated, village of Brännorna, in Tomelilla municipality, on both sides of road 1672 between Onslunda in the south and Ekerödskorset in the north is located in varied terrain where mixed forest groves coexist...
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A genuine environment in an idyllic location. Brantevik is the fishing village where time really doesn't stand still, even though its heyday occurred just over a hundred years ago. The village is thriving today...
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Like a gateway to Österlen. Where road 19 from Kristianstad splits into two, road nine towards Simrishamn and road 19 towards Ystad via Tomelilla, lies Brösarp. Brösarp's location on...
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Half a mile south of Brösarp, the road sign points to the old village of Eljaröd. People have lived here since prehistoric times, as evidenced by the abundance of ancient finds. The village is located ...
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The small village of Fågeltofta is located on road 19 between Ystad and Kristianstad. Until 1867, the village was much larger and consisted of as many as 17 farms and a number of gatehouses, but...
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Frörum is a small village just south of Fågeltofta on road 19. The village is located in Fågeltofta parish in Albo county in the borderland between rice and forest, but still it is...
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The view from the houses and farms in little Gärarp is breathtaking. Here the rolling Scanian agricultural landscape spreads out with Bollerup Castle in the foreground. Bångbacken is the highest point. Gärarp must be...
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Below the Gårdlösaåsen ridge, the small village of Gårdlösa grew up in the Middle Ages, a unique farming village consisting of a number of large farmhouses often with lavish exterior building details such as cornices and recessed stone slabs. These ...
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The level of service in Gärsnäs is high. There are childcare facilities, a primary school, a health centre, a retirement home, shops, a bakery, a grocery store, a car dealership, mechanical workshops and craftsmen of various kinds. Gärsnäs has been put on the world map above all by...
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Gislöv is a collection of houses and farms spread around a four-way junction five kilometres southwest of Simrishamn and is one of the smallest villages in Österlen. In Gislöv there is also a hotel with...
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What a beautiful idyll. A sign by the coast road, about halfway between Brantevik and Skillinge, points down to a well-preserved little fishing village, Gislövshammar. The fishing village has around fifteen houses and...
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Gladsax, an idyllic place set high in the rolling agricultural landscape. The houses and farms in the village are clustered on both sides of the winding, narrow village street. Here and there, hollyhocks hang...
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A stone's throw east of the stately medieval castle Glimmingehus, built in 1499 by Jens Holgersen Ulfstand, lies the small collection of houses in Glimminge village along the winding village street. At the southern end of the village is the...
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A stone's throw from the medieval castle Glimmingehus, along the road between Ö. Tommarp and Ö. Hoby, lies the small, but elongated, village of Glivarp in the middle of a hilly agricultural area with indented natural pastures, wetlands and...
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Gnalöv belongs to Bolshög parish, but it is Ö. Nöbbelöv church you see when you stand in the middle of Gnalöv. The village is elongated, but has its greatest concentration where the road Gnalöv-Bolshög...
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Grevlunda hills almost double the height of Stenshuvud and the hilly landscape is very popular with nature lovers. Grevlunda is a small village, quite stretched out west of the railway, which in the summertime is...
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Beautiful landscape full of life. Gröstorp has been put on the map mainly for sporting reasons. The cohesion in the village around sport in general, but football and table tennis in particular, has been...
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Many people equate Gyllebo with Ö Vemmerlöv, but it is more correct to call the village by the church Ö Vemmerlöv and the houses around Gyllebosjön Gyllebo. On an islet...
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Awe-inspiring. Close by. Practical. The level of service is good with an ICA shop, speciality shops of various kinds, bed & breakfast facilities, café, dentist, smithy, galleries. Just east of the village, on the road to Vallby and Glimmingehus, is...
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An old saying goes: "In Hannas gjorra di hårannra ingen forrtred", meaning that here in this village people are friendly to each other. This is most likely the case in...
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At the edge of the Brösarp hills - with the vast sandy beaches of Hanö Bay to the north and the characterful coastline past Kivik towards Stenshuvud to the south - lies Haväng. Taste the word! Only one...
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Helmet red

The road between S. Mellby and Vitaby has been called Prästavägen since ancient times, and there is a simple and natural explanation for this. Both churches were served by the same priest and it could...
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Illstorp is located on the country road between Christinehof and Önneköp in a varied landscape of fields and forests. The interesting Verkeån river meanders through the area, offering rare nature experiences all year round. Here you will find...
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Järrestad is in a quiet location since the 9 motorway was built outside the community, but still close enough to have easy access to bus connections. Järrestad is a village with very old origins. I...
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The small village of Järstorp's nearest slightly larger neighbour is Illstorp on the road between Christinehof and Önneköp. The settlement consists of farms and individual houses placed in the terrain where forest alternates with arable land. Through ...
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North of Stenshuvud National Park is Karakås (the emphasis in the place name should be on the last syllable). In Karakås there are spacious car parks for those who want to walk to Stenshuvud from the north. Otherwise Karakås is in front of...
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Karlaby is located around the three-way junction leading to Ö. Vemmerlöv, Tommarp and Simrishamn. The settlement consists of a few large farms and a number of smaller houses. For many, Karlaby is now synonymous with...
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Quiet fishing village but still so alive. Of all the communities and villages in Österlen, Kivik is perhaps the best known, and for many reasons. Kivik Market, Apple Market, Kivik Art Centre,...
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The squat houses

Here the sea marries fabulous nature. The beach from the charming summer village of Knäbäckshusen is steep, but the beach is Österlen's best and most beautiful morning beach with views down to Simrishamn and up to ...
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County town

Komstad may be a fairly small village, located one kilometre west of Stiby/Gärsnäs along the road towards Onslunda. You take the turn-off from highway 11 just west of Stiby church. Komstad is...
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Mill town

Lilla Kvarnby is a neighbouring village to the slightly larger Ö. Hoby, just over three kilometres east of Borrby and three kilometres west of Skillinge. In Kvarnby old distillery there is a gallery, neighbouring...
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Where national road 9 runs through Lunnarp, a road sign points to Kverrestad, a small village with a typical parish centre feel, i.e. houses and farms gathered around the church and the vicarage with its associated vicarage park. Kverrestad's ...
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The surroundings are characterised by the outstanding sandy beach, dunes and beach forest. Kyhl is the starting point for a long stretch of phenomenal sandy beach that continues with some small, short breaks all the way to Ystad. Inside...
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Perhaps it is the surroundings of the small village of Listarum that put the village's name on the map. The Listarumsåsen nature reserve has three parts on a hilly area west of the road between St Olof and...
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Maple grove

Next door to Brösarp's fantastic Norra Backar is Lönhult on the road between Brösarp and Bertilstorp. In the holiday village Lönhult/Carlskärrs by we find many holiday homes, many of which are newly built. The village's unique location in...
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Luda red

Midway between Eljaröd and Christinehof Castle, you pass the small village of Ludaröd. Here it is a lot of horse that applies. Western Valley and Hallamölla Farm are two active facilities that offer experiences...
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The village of Lunnarp consists of two parts, one on each side of national road 11, the old farming village with a number of well-preserved farmhouses and a schoolhouse, and what we can call...
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Time and silence. One of the really familiar holiday villages that has grown up near the famous sandy beaches and dune landscape between Kyhl and Löderup beach is Mälarhusen. Today, many of the...
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It's quite a long way between the houses in picturesque Månslunda, just west of Fågeltofta and Kronovall, on national road 19 between Tomelilla and Kristianstad. The village has been mentioned since the 1700s when its...
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About halfway between S:t Olof and Smedstorp at the height of Järnkällan, a sign points towards Månstorp, a scattered collection of small farms along a winding gravel road that ends at Listarum. Several ...
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The area south-east-west of Tomelilla is still characterised by the estates of Bollerup, S Herrestad, Tosterup, Högestad, Övrabyborg and Örup. Here, the relationship between the main farm and the outlying farm can still be traced and the villages still breathe the air of the Middle Ages....
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North Björstorp

About half a mile north-west of Brösarp, just north of the famous Norra Brösarps Backar, lies the small village of Norra Björstorp, which consists mainly of detached farms and small residential buildings. Many...
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South of Skillinge, close to the rocky shore, are these three villages, Norrekås, Örnahusen and Spraggehusen, which are almost all joined together. The settlements are on both sides of the coastal road number...
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A peaceful and ancient residential area. In the centre of Tomelilla municipality lies the historic craft village of Onslunda. The village has very mixed housing with mainly low houses. South of the village there are popular hiking areas with hardwood-clad pebble ridges....
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The Eagle Houses

South of Skillinge, close to the rocky beach, is Örnahusen. The buildings are on both sides of the coast road. Örnahusen was once a fishing village with around forty fishermen's cottages and outbuildings, located...
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East Herrestad

Östra Herrestad is located approximately halfway between Gärsnäs and Hammenhög, about two kilometres in each direction. The village was once part of Gärsnäs manor/Gärsnäs castle, which is located a stone's throw to the north-east....
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East Hoby

Östra Hoby is an old church village located just over a kilometre east of Borrby on the road between Simrishamn and Borrby. The distance to Simrishamn is just under fifteen kilometres and to Ystad...
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East Ingelstad

In the middle of the hilly, open agricultural landscape where the road between Smedstorp and Hannas crosses the road between Kverrestad and Östra Herrestad lies the village of Östra Ingelstad at Ingelstadgården. To the west towards Kverrestad slopes a...
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East Nöbbelöv

The place name Nybbile appears in writing as early as 1322. Nybbile means new village, i.e. new building. The village of Östra Nöbbelöv is located along the road between Simris and Gislöv, four kilometres southwest of Simrishamn....
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East Vemmerlöv

Many people equate Gyllebo with Östra Vemmerlöv, but it is more correct to call the village by the church Ö. Vemmerlöv and the houses around Gyllebosjön for Gyllebo. On an islet...
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Övraby is higher than its twin village, Nedraby, is slightly larger and a shining example of an old, genuine Scanian village. Övraby is located on the heights above the Nybroån valley and Örupsdalen. The village is dominated...
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Ramsåsa is located just west of Svampakorset in Tomelilla on the slopes down to the little Trydeån river, which flows into the Fyleån river in Fyledalen. The surroundings are hilly, but also fertile and intensively cultivated. The ...
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One kilometre east of St Olof, on the road between Rörum and St Olof, is the small village of Raskarum. The surroundings are hilly, with small fields, pastures, marshes and forest. Here you will find...
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When Linnaeus came to Ravlunda on his journey through Skåne, he was enchanted by nature and thought there could be nothing more beautiful in the whole country. It is close to...
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In 1499, Jens Holgersen Ulfstand laid the foundations of Glimmingehus, one of Sweden's best-preserved medieval castles. The history of the castle is an adventure in itself and with generous opening hours, there are plenty of opportunities to learn...
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Rörum is a peaceful favourite spot. The village street winds almost gracefully through the old village of Rörum, with houses on both sides. The terrain around Rörum is particularly hilly, with two streams...
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Rörum beach

The fabulous apple coast. The holiday village of Rörums strand is a stone's throw north of Knäbäckshusen. The location is exceptional, surrounded by orchards, beach slopes, beech forest, juniper hills and to the north the Stenshuvud National Park. Rörum beach has a lot of nature experiences...
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St Olof

Highly situated beautiful village, nestled in the most wooded area of Österlen. The railway came to the village in 1901 and even today there are trains on the track, but the railway is since many years...
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Seal Island

Along the entrance from the north to Tomelilla from motorway 19 is Sälshög, an old and a slightly younger village, consisting mainly of farms. Sälshög continues along the road Spjutstorp-Tryde. Very well known was...
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Up in the north-west corner of Tomelilla municipality we find the small village of Sillaröd. The village consists mainly of old farms. There has been an active village association in the village for a very long time. Everything that...
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Simris is a cosy village that lives all year round. There is a mix of new and old, permanent and holiday homes. The streets are colourful, winding and there are houses of...
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Peace and quiet, yet all services within easy reach. Simrishamn, the capital of Österlen, is a genuine and beautiful small town. It is not least the town's buildings that make up its charm. The ...
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A quiet and prosperous residential neighbourhood close to services and the sea. Simrislund is a quiet and green residential neighbourhood surrounded by meadow and land. Parts of the area are located on rocks and...
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Skåne Tranås

Culture and nature. Tranås by was the original name of the village and is said to mean an isthmus where cranes nest. The name is recorded in writing as Traanaes as early as 1387, but finds of...
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Scenic in the Verkeån valley. Along the Verkeån river, sometimes called Skepparpsån, just east of Ravlunda, is a collection of houses and farms called Skepparp. The small village is very scenic in the river valley ...
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It is not known how long Skillinge has been a fishing village, but probably since the Migration Period 400-800 AD. The name Skiellinge may derive from the form Skedhlinge, where sked(e), e.g. with the meaning of border,...
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Forest valley

Karl Aspelin has sometimes been called the first painter on Österlen, the Smålander who formed the so-called Kivikskollektivet in the villa with the fine view over the Baltic Sea from the location on the hill in Skogsdala....
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Tailor's red

On the road between Rörum and Ö. Vemmerlöv we find just south-southwest of Forsemölla a turn-off to the east towards Skräddaröd village. Quite a few properties, mainly farms with the designation Skräddaröd, are located on...
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A living and growing village. When the Simrishamn-Malmö railway was electrified and the passenger trains started running about 12 times in each direction daily, this meant new air in the old Smedstorp lungs and...
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Nestled in beautiful deciduous forest, little Snapparp is located in hilly countryside just south of St Olof, east of the road between St Olof and Smedstorp. The village is sparsely populated with older farms and...
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South Björstorp

A stone's throw south of Brösarp, a branch road from national road 19 leads to Södra Björstorp, which is actually a village with two faces, the newer holiday village and the old agricultural landscape...
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Södra Mellby

Near Kivik and Stenshuvud. The old church village follows the hilly road up to the church. The buildings breathe 19th century and many of the street houses are old. Many agricultural workers lived here, but also craftsmen...
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Spear village

Almost in the middle of Tomelilla municipality, about six kilometres north-east of the main town, on the road to Onslunda, is Spjutstorp. The surroundings are open, hilly farmland. Once upon a time, the railway tracks ended up near the...
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South of Skillinge, close to the rocky beach, are these three villages, Norrekås, Örnahusen and Spraggehusen, which are almost all grown together. The settlements are on both sides of the coast road number...
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Stiby kyrkby consists of a number of farms, a handful of small residential buildings and a number of larger villas along national road 11 and along the road towards Ö. Vemmerlöv. High above the hilly farmland...
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The name of the village may sound a bit blunt, but the fact is that it is a genuinely peaceful and safe village, beautifully situated high above the Tångdala valley, where the 9 motorway between...
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Fog pit

The area west of Tommarp known as Tågarp consists of a number of really large farms and a number of smaller farms, but also low single-family houses. To speak of a cohesive...
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A handful of farms between Grevlunda, Holmarna and Attusa, on the road between Vitaby and Onslunda, make up the village of Tåghusa. Small-scale farmland dominates here, small patches of arable land surrounded by stone fences, groves...
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On the road between Tomelilla and Bollerup is the small village of Toarp with a mix of agricultural properties and a handful of single-family houses. The village is located in a hilly agricultural landscape with elements of tree plantations. The distance...
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Beautiful nature and proximity to the sea. Two kilometres north of Simrishamn, west of national road 9, is Tobisborg. The villa area borders to the north on a holiday home area with many summer houses. Tobisborgsgården is located all the way...
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Culture and pleasure are combined here - in the centre of Österlen. With the railway linking Malmö, Simrishamn and Ystad, Tomelilla quickly became an important station community. The sea is reached in just 15 minutes...
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Charming village atmosphere. Östra Tommarp was once called Tumathorp and was a well-known town with its own mint and monastery in the Middle Ages. In Tommarp there is an antique shop, dog track, gallery, shop for retro furniture and...
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Close to the winding river Verkeån, on the border of moorland and woodland, a stone's throw north of Brösarp, lies the small collection of houses Torparebron, an exquisite example of the type of housing that was built in the 19th century...
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Tosterup in Tomelilla municipality is for many synonymous with Tosterup Castle, built in various stages during the 15th-17th centuries, just over a mile south of Tomelilla and 12 kilometres north-east of Ystad. The castle complex is located ...
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Rolling countryside and beautiful plains. In Tryde, which can be reached via the turn-off on national road 11 or on the turn-off north of Svampakorset on road 19, there is an active village...
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A number of farms north of Smedstorp and west of Tunbyholmssjön have the address Tunby. There are active large agricultural properties here, but also parcelled farms and occasional single-family houses. The surroundings are hilly agricultural landscape with...
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The small church village of Ullstorp is located one kilometre southeast of Tomelilla on the road to Bollerup. There is a collection of farms and houses near the church, including a popular farm hotel. The address of Tomelilla Golf Club...
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Green fields. Clear blue sky. Two kilometres west of the very well-preserved medieval castle of Glimmingehus is Vallby. The village is located around the crossroads where one road leads from Glimmingehus to Hammenhög while the other,...
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At the sharp bend in Simris' southern entrance is the turn-off to Viarp, a village consisting of a number of farms and small houses. The surroundings are hilly farmland. In the centre of the village...
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Vik This is where the stress runs out, in Vik, the charming old fishing village north of Simrishamn. Vik is located on a narrow strip of beach below the high sand hills, surrounded by orchards. Vik is the...
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East of the road between Stiby and Ö Vemmerlöv, just west of the railway crossing, a small road runs down through the village of Virrestad, which consists of a number of farms and some single-family houses. The surroundings ...
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High above the Baltic Sea, with a view that stretches for miles, lies Vitaby church with the church village consisting of a small number of farms below the church hill. It was here at Vitaby church that Bombi Bitt met Nils...
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White mole

Last in the line of Simrishamn municipality's fishing villages, from south to north, is Vitemölla. Vitemölla and Kivik are popular summer resorts. The nearest larger town with services such as schools, retirement homes, shops, cafés, restaurants...
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Vranarp is located on national road 9 just west of Järrestad, a short distance south-east of Tommarp. The surroundings are farmland with the slope down to Tommarpsån in the north. By the road a few metres west of...
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