Sjöfolket fish restaurant in Simrishamn


Sjöfolket consists of both a fish shop and a fish restaurant in Simrishamn. We process and sell fish products, both locally caught fish and seafood from Skagerrak, Kattegat and the North Sea. Sjöfolket is also the name of all the products we sell to other grocery stores around southern Sweden. In the fish restaurant we serve well-prepared lunches made from really fresh ingredients by our creative and very talented chefs. Everything from herring sandwiches to local turbot, composed together with local ingredients often according to the season, sometimes spiced with new flavor influences. We at Sjöfolket want to inspire you to eat fish in both a traditional and modern way. Welcome to Sjöfolket - fish shop and fish restaurant in Simrishamn.


0414-40 10 33
Svartehallsvägen 11-22
272 63

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