Ms bla 003

Crêperie & Café Madame Blå

Crêperie & Café Madame Blå gives you a taste experience in the French spirit. The menu includes everything from our popular galettes to our wide range of pastries. Both food and coffee are made from scratch with ingredients that reach quality, and are imbued with French tones.

We offer a scenic environment and a wonderful taste experience for the whole family. All days between 11-21. Soon also evening hours!

Opening hours


22-31: every day 11-17


Friday-Sunday 11-17
(1st to 7th: every day 11-17)

May & June:

Every day 11-17

July & 1-18 August:

Every day 11-21

From 19 August & September:

Every day 11-17

A warm welcome!

Crêperie & Café Madame Blå

Carriageway 2
273 92
Skåne Tranås

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