Lunch of the day for week 37
Price from 125 kr
Includes salad buffet, water & coffee
Don't miss that you can buy a lunch booklet 10 pcs lunch of the day for 1000kr which is valid until last December
If you do not have the opportunity to come to us, we will deliver the food to you within Simrishamn, Simrislund, Simris & Brantevik at no extra cost for the delivery
Call and book your delivery between 09.30-10.30
Stekt Snitzel med svampsås rostad potatis gremolata
135 kr
Krämig pasta med kantareller och oxfilé grana padano
135 kr
Köttfärslimpa med potatismos gräddsås lingon inlagd gurka
135 kr
Halstrad lax med soyacream wakeme sallad friterad potatis
135 kr
Korvstroganoff med ris morrotsallad
135 kr