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Perhaps it is the surroundings of the small village of Listarum that put the village's name on the map. The Listarumsåsen nature reserve has three parts on a hilly area west of the road between St Olof and Smedstorpbut areas of geological interest continue east of the road past Listarum village itself and down towards County town.

Valuable minerals have been mined here for many, many years urban limestone which have been used for construction, tombstones and ornamentation. The nature reserve contains hills covered with noble forests where oak and beech dominate, but also open pastures and natural pastures.

It is a settlement that has been inhabited for a very long time, as evidenced by the stone circles, judges' rings and graves.
The nearest major towns with schools and services are Smedstorp, Gärsnäs and St Olof. Gärsnäs is four kilometres away, Smedstorp is slightly further, while St Olof is less than a mile to the north. Near Listarum are two beautiful lakes, Tunbyholmssjön and Gyllebosjön.

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