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Hiking package on Vyn 1 day

Stay at Vyn Hotel and spend the day hiking along the Skåneleden trail or exploring the Österlen countryside.

Stay at Vyn Hotel and hike during the day along the Skåneleden trail. We will prepare a filling packed lunch for the hike that is adapted to the season and weather.

Arrive from 11.00 and depart from Vyn and walk as long as you like. Check in from 16.00 onwards. With the option to have dinner in our restaurant or food and wine bar in the evening.

Please note that the restaurant is only open Wednesday - Friday evening and Saturday for lunch. The Food and Wine Bar is open 7 days a week.

Breakfast is always included in the room rate.

The package does not automatically include a dinner in the restaurant or food and wine bar. If you want to have dinner, please book separately via:

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[email protected]