Grams Gård (farm) located in Österlen, Skåne in southern Sweden was built in 1851. At that time the farm had a lot of land stretching all the way to the Baltic sea. Between the sea and the arable land there was a forest.
It was a working farm run by the Gram family until the 1980's. On the farm there were horses, cows and pigs. The last Gram to run the farm was Nils, he was an unusual character, he competed in cycling and shooting and was also a keen carpenter and photographer. He was a favourite both amongst the locals and the summer guests and many homes in the vicinity of Simris have objects and furniture that were made by Nils.
Despite his simple dwelling with an outdoor toilet in the stable, Nils had a telephone and a nice little garden. The farm still contains an old flour bag, milling machine, Nils' woodwork bench and his tea cup. Then some time passed.
We are two architects with roots in Österlen and Newcastle in northern England. It was during the spring of 2015 that we discovered Grams Gård. After fifteen years in London and a few more in Stockholm we longed for a new challenge. It was not difficult to fall in love with this place, situated on the outskirts of the village of Simris with views over the surrounding countryside, the Baltic Sea and the Danish island Bornholm.
The first summer was calm and quiet before things started to take shape.
There have been many passers by who have marvelled at the project. Many thought it was easier to tear everything down but we felt Grams Gård is a special place. Nil's memory remains, Grams is a place where everyone has always been welcome. This kind of friendliness is in the walls, even if the roof is replaced, the foundations excavated and the structure reinforced.
Everyone dreams of the perfect place. Grams Gård is this place, far away from the noise of the city. In peace and privacy. Surrounded by fields, grazing cows and with spectacular views in all directions, a landscape that changes with each season.
We look forward to your stay.
Ia and Andy