Visit Dahliafarmen in Valleberga and experience a garden filled with dahlias in different colours and shapes. Here, 4000 square metres have been transformed into a place for inspiration and the joy of growing. With over 1500 dahlia plants and a field of around 350 varieties, Dahliafarmen is a place for those who appreciate flowers and gardening.
I september erbjuder Dahliafarmen självplock av dahlior på fältet varje lördag och söndag kl. 11-16. Priset är 66 kr per hektogram, vilket motsvarar ungefär 225 kr för en bukett med 10-15 blommor. Entrén till visningsträdgården är 80 kr per person, och om du plockar blommor får du 80 kr i rabatt vid köp över 80 kr.
Remember to bring your own secateurs and bucket of water to get the flowers home in the best possible way.
Are you planning a small wedding? Dahliafarmen offers two wedding packages:
Package 1 - SEK 7,500: Wedding venue, setting for photography and 25 dahlias.
Package 2 - SEK 10,000: Wedding venue, setting for photographs, bridal bouquet and access to a mingle bar with staff.
The ceremony will be held at the orangery, and the surrounding garden will be closed off during the ceremony. If you wish to take photographs in the field, this is fine, but the field will be open to other visitors. Extended time in the lounge area can be booked at an additional cost.
Mars: lördagar 11-15
April: lördagar 11-15
Påsk: tors-mån 11-15
Juli: 11-17.30
Augusti: 1-11 kl 11-17.30 12-31 kl 11-16
September: Tors-sön 11-16
Dahliafarmen is one of the few places in Sweden that offers Swedish-grown dahlia tubers - perfect for those who want flowers that are grown locally and without imports. A warm welcome to us!